Lily is born

October 13, 2012 § 2 Comments

Four months ago I heard the sound of my daughter for the first time since her heartbeat as the nurses sucked the fluid from her lungs and vigorously rubbed her waxy white body with dry cloths. Black hair, pressed with the wet of her former environment, covered the crown of her head. My body shook from all the tension. I thought I might faint or vomit; the doctor sewed – thank God for anesthesia!
I would have loved to say I endured the labor – but I made it just 3 centimeters before requesting the epidural. And you know, people seem to think that a needle going into your spine as you concentrate on sitting still to avoid being paralyzed, all the while contracting with labor pains, is the worst part of the labor – not at all – the cervical checks and the IV are far worse.

But I’d do it again.

After 45 minutes, the nurses placed Lily’s warm, diapered body across my bare chest and covered us with a receiving blanket. Our warmth and exhaustion blended, no longer distinguishable between hers and mine, like we were both in the womb.

§ 2 Responses to Lily is born

  • marilyn says:

    I so enjoyed reading your lovely descriptions of young motherhood. There’s no manual that can ever really prepare us for the life changing experience of giving birth and spending each and every day with our new baby. But you have touched on the magical and majestic bond of mother and child as God intended it to be. Your writings have special meaning to me, of course, since you are my baby. It never entered my mind as I was holding you after you came into this world, that one day I would be sending you a message on your blog about your new life as a mother!

    I also have the joy of seeing Lily four days a week while you are at work. Having you to come over each and every day on your lunch break has also been a treat for me. I wanted you to know that. I can testify that you savor every single moment you can get with your beautiful daughter on your lunch break. What you and LIly have together is truly heartfelt and soul connecting. You are the best little momma!

    Keep writing!! Your words draw the reader in – guiding them into a rare glimpse of that which is most sacred to you and the inner workings of your love for your child.

    Love from your Mother

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